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What Is OhioRISE?

  • “OhioRISE is a Medicaid program in Ohio designed to help young people with significant behavioral health issues succeed in their schools, homes, and communities. “RISE” stands for “Resilience through Integrated Systems and Excellence,” highlighting the program’s mission to provide comprehensive care that meets the needs of each unique individual.

Who Is Eligible?

  • Eligible for Ohio Medicaid

  • Between the ages of 0-20

  • Have significant behavioral health needs, which is determined through the Ohio Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) assessment

  • Youth may also be eligible for OhioRISE due to certain urgent conditions. For example, if they are in a hospital for behavioral health reasons.

CANS Assessment
Child & Adolescent Needs & Strengths (CANS)

What is a CANS Assessment?

The Ohio Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) assessment is a tool used to determine eligibility for OhioRISE. The CANS assessment also:

  • Gathers the young person and their caregiver/family’s story.

  • Helps understand the young person and their caregiver/family’s needs and strengths.

  • Guides the best ways to provide support.

  • Assists with ongoing care planning.


The CANS assessment is updated regularly (at least every 90 days) to make sure the child/youth’s needs are being met.

Where Do Families Go To Get an Eligibility CANS Assessment Completed?

Teacher Assisting a Student

Young people and their families have options! Both CMEs and their subcontractors, including Franklin County Family and Children First Council (FCFC), are certified CANS assessors.

  • The Village Network

  • The Buckeye Ranch

    • Call (614) 384-7798 or 

    • Walk in for an assessment Monday through Thursday (request an eligibility CANS) at the following locations:

      • Monday 9:00 am - 3:00 pm and Tuesday 9:00 am - 3:00 pm 2865 West Broad Street, Columbus

      • Wednesday 9:00 am - 6:00 pm and Thursday 9:00 am - 3:00 pm 4653 East Main Street, Whitehall​​


How Does Franklin Co. FCFC Fit in with OhioRISE?

  • Franklin County FCFC is subcontracted with both OhioRISE Care Management Entities (CMEs) in Franklin County for OhioRISE Care Coordination.

  • The two CMEs in Franklin County are divided into catchment areas. The Village Network (TVN) on the west side (Catchment K), and The Buckeye Ranch on the east side (Catchment L).

    • Youth enrollment with either CME (Care Management Entity) is based on zip code, unless family uses voice and choice to switch CMEs. Please see zip code map breakdown below, provided by Aetna

Catchment Areas K west & L east

A care management entity (CME) is a community-based organization that serves as the “locus of accountability” for delivering the wraparound model for a catchment (geographic) area of Ohio to serve children and youth enrolled in OhioRISE.


  • For Limited Care Coordination (LCC)/ Tier 1, you can expect a monthly face to face meeting and phone call from an Aetna Care Coordination representative, and to meet with the child and family team every 90 days.

  • For Moderate Care Coordination (MCC)/ Tier 2, you can expect to meet with your Care Coordinator (CC) and team members approximately two times a month, with additional phone calls and email contacts in between.

  • For Intensive Care Coordination (ICC)/ Tier 3, you can expect to meet with your Care Coordinator (CC) and team members approximately four times a month, with additional phone calls and email contacts in between.

  • Families have voice and choice in which tier best fits their needs and schedule, regardless of CANS recommendation.

  • FCFC Multi-System Service Coordination and OhioRISE Tier 2 Moderate and Tier 3 Intensive Care Coordination are considered duplicative services.

  • Families can opt for Limited Care Coordination through OhioRISE to keep their FCFC (Family and Children First Council) Facilitator.

  • For questions about which care coordination option (OhioRISE or FCFC) may be the best fit for your situation, please contact

  • What is MRSS?

    • Mobile Response and Stabilization Services (MRSS) provide immediate behavioral health services, at home or another safe location, for young people under 21 experiencing significant behavioral or emotional distress.

    • MRSS is staffed with a licensed clinician and a qualified individual who responds to your location. Our goal in an urgent crisis is to arrive within 60 minutes of a request for help. Follow-up care is available for up to six weeks after this visit.

    • ​Call the state line at (888) 418-MRSS (6777).

      • In Franklin County, Nationwide Children’s MRSS currently responds between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m., Monday through Friday. Outside of those hours, the Nationwide Children’s Hospital and Franklin County Youth Psychiatric Crisis Line is available for you to talk to someone about your needs at (614) 722-1800.​

    • Say you are calling for Mobile Response and Stabilization Services.

    • You will be asked triage questions.

    • You will receive a call when Nationwide Children’s team is on the way. Our goal in an urgent crisis is to be at your location within 60 minutes

    •  For more information about OhioRISE, please check out the following links:

  • What role will CMEs have within OhioRISE?

    • CMEs have two main purposes, to provide care coordination and build community resources.

  • What services are covered with OhioRISE? 

    • What is care coordination? 

Wraparound Care coordination

What is a Care Management Entity? 

Anchor MRSS

Franklin Co. Family & Children First Council

Ph. (614) 407-9040​

Fax: (614) 351-2010


2740 Airport Dr

Suite 150

Columbus, Oh. 43219

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